Quantum Enigma: Unveiling Consciousness via Entanglement

Quantum Consciousness

The Entanglement theory is at the crux of one of our most complex facets of science; quantum physics. How does this play a part in cannabis and psychology?

First, we’ll have to explain the entanglement theory, how it works, and how it relates to quantum consciousness to fully understand its linkages. We’re going to simplify each concept so we don’t leave you as confused as the first few textbooks confused us when we were doing our research.

The Entanglement Theory: Two Objects Sharing A Connection

Two objects can share a connection that we refer to as an “entanglement.” This connection is formed by two particles that make up each object’s atoms; photons and electrons. When the two particles collide, as they frequently do, they become entangled.

In the simplest terms, the Entanglement Theory suggests that two particles could be lightyears away from each other but still share a connection or an “entanglement.” But how can two objects be so far away from each other and remain connected?

This theory is arguably one of the foundations of quantum physics – the study of energy and matter at the particulate level (the smallest component of an object). And it is quite complex, but we’ll break it down using a few scenarios. We’ll start with the infamous Schrödinger’s cat, and then we’ll use another random example that wasn’t conceptualized in the 1930s.

Schrödinger’s Cat

Schrödinger said, in simple terms, that if you put a cat and an item that could be fatal to the cat (like a radioactive atom) in a box and sealed it, there would be no concrete proof of whether or not the cat was still alive or dead until you reopened the box. So, until you opened the box, the cat was (contextually) both “alive and dead.” This is known as superposition when a particle is positively and negatively charged.

The Entanglement of Cannabis and Psychology

Another example we could use may shed some light on the entanglement of cannabis and psychology using an analogy. Let’s imagine there are two entangled boxes with cannabis in it. In this scenario, the strains of cannabis can either be Indica or Sativa when someone observes them. However, like Schrödinger’s cat was dead and alive, both strains could help increase creativity and lessen insomnia until somebody observes them.

For context: the psychological effects of cannabis are similar between the Sativa and Indica strains as they both help to reduce anxiety. However, Sativa is known for boosting creativity and focus, while Indica is known for lowering insomnia through deep body relaxation. One more factor to consider; different people react differently to each strain. Sativa may reduce insomnia for some while it boosts creativity for others, and the opposite goes for Indica.

With this in mind, the entanglement theory would consider both strains of cannabis to be connected in some way, no matter how far they are from each other. And, at their very core, the connection is present in the metaphorical sense. Both Sativa and Indica strains connect by being cannabis and reducing anxiety. No matter where a cannabis plant is, they are connected as they have similar cells.

Cannabis and Psychology Examination

To examine the theory in this example more, remember that some people may react differently to each strain. Two different persons could look in each box and associate each strain with the same effects even if they see different strains. They could see Sativa but associate it with a reduction in insomnia, while some sees the same for Indica.

It could also be the opposite, where they see the different strains and associate them with the physiological effects of cannabis we previously outlined. Other people’s perception of an object tends to intersect at a conscious or unconscious level because the things connect in some way. Thus, they are “entangled.”

Understanding Quantum Consciousness

Understanding how consciousness emerges is one of the biggest mysteries in the sciences. Roger Penrose, who predicted black holes and won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics, as a result, collaborated with anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff in the 1990s. This collaboration proceeded to offer an innovative answer to the question of how we establish our consciousness.

They reasoned that because the brain’s neural system is a complex network, the resulting consciousness should follow the laws of quantum mechanics. This theory governs the motion of subatomic particles like electrons. As a result, this could shed light on the unexplained depths of the human mind.

The Brain and Quantum Consciousness

Neurons are the cells that make up our brains, and their activity is thought to create consciousness. You can find Microtubules in every single neuron, and they move substances to different areas of the cell. The Penrose-Hameroff theory of quantum consciousness says that microtubules are built to allow quantum processes to happen called fractal patterns.

Fractals are structures that are neither two —nor — three-dimensional but somehow something in between. In mathematics, fractals are intricate patterns that repeat indefinitely, making what seems impossible: a structure with a finite area and an infinite perimeter. To put an image to this description, imagine a horizon.

A horizon is just the ocean part that appears to touch or connect with the sky. Depending on the direction you’re traveling on a ship, the horizon can appear to be an infinite perimeter. That’s because there isn’t an end to that sort of horizon. However, we know there is a finite amount of the earth where the land can appear to meet the ocean (water covers approximately 71 percent of the planet).

Fractals are very common in nature. Another example that may be harder to picture is a little closer to home than you think. If you look closely, you can see that both the cauliflower’s florets and a fern’s branches are made up of the same shape, repeated over and over at increasingly smaller sizes. That is one crucial thing about fractals – consistent repetition.

It’s easy to see why fractals have been used to describe how complicated the mind is. They could be the structures that hold up the mysterious depths of our minds because they are infinitely complex and allow complexity to arise from simple, repeated patterns.

But if this is true, it could only happen at the quantum level, where tiny particles move in fractal patterns inside the brain’s neurons. Because of this, Penrose and Hameroff’s idea is called a “quantum consciousness theory.”

How The Entanglement Theory Relates To Quantum Consciousness

Most people agree that perception (consciousness) or, more broadly, mental activity is linked in some way to how the physical brain works — they are entangled. Given that quantum mechanics represents the most fundamental theory of matter we have right now, it is a fair question to ask if it can help us figure out what consciousness is.

Earlier, we established that consciousness results from the activity of the neurons that make up our brains. Given that we now understand what consciousness is, we can look at it from a psychologist’s point of view.

Consciousness is constructive when it comes to letting non-present factors and cultural and social information (like traditional activities and social media, respectively) shape behavior, as well as when dealing with multiple factors competing with each other. These other factors could be in the form of medication or organic remedies like cannabis.

It seems likely that almost all human behavior is a mix of things we do consciously and things we do unconsciously, which means that they are all somewhat entangled. Consciousness could be the deciding factor in what treatment you choose because of the entanglement of your perception of therapy.

You may associate cannabis with anti-anxiety medicinal treatment, so you take advantage of the available cannabis card benefits you can get in your state. Likewise, you may associate the well-known Xanax capsules with anti-anxiety medications, so you opt for traditional Western medicine.

You’ve unconsciously made these associations based on the core of their entanglement: they are both used as medicinal treatments. As a result, you consciously consider both the psychological effects of cannabis and Xanax when you decide what treatment you want to pursue.

Key Takeaways on Cannabis and Psychology

The entanglement theory assumes that no matter how far apart two objects are, they share a connection at the microscopic level. Consciousness results from the activities of the neurons in our brains, and the very relationships between neurons and other cells in our bodies are an example of entanglement as they follow the laws of the foundation of physics – quantum mechanics.

The neurons form continuous patterns (fractal patterns) that share the connection of being finite – they are the same types of cells – and they infinitely create a similar pattern – they make the ongoing consciousness.

This consciousness affects our choices, which range from our opinions on cannabis and psychology to medical treatment options. You could take advantage of the cannabis card benefits or try the traditional medicinal route.

Want more educational and beneficial information about cannabis? At Green Hope, we focus on functional medicine and cannabis. Contact us with any questions. Greenhopewellness.com  or call 405-543-7200.                           

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